Innocent or Ignorant
A conversation in controversy podcast where the host Johnny Fiend-X invites guests on to convince the jury of 1 whether their belief is innocently a truth and we all need to pay attention, or if the ignorant rants should be discarded with the leftovers, with Johnny occasionally inviting on skeptics to be the judge of his theories
Innocent or Ignorant
The Mind is a Prison: Overcoming Food Addiction;The Cake is a Lie
Innocent or Ignorant
Episode 31
Many of us find ways to cope with anxiety and the stresses that come with life. A lot of those coping mechanisms are detrimental to our selves mentally and physically. Johnny FiendX , Agent 69 and Easy E discuss the use of food with special guest Amanda from the inspiring and motivational Carnivorous Me.
You can find her on YouTube, Facebook, Discord and other major social media under Carnivorous me where she shares her weight loss and life changing journey.