Innocent or Ignorant
A conversation in controversy podcast where the host Johnny Fiend-X invites guests on to convince the jury of 1 whether their belief is innocently a truth and we all need to pay attention, or if the ignorant rants should be discarded with the leftovers, with Johnny occasionally inviting on skeptics to be the judge of his theories
33 episodes
2G1I: That TikTok Defense
Johnny FiendX and crew are joined for a long overdue 2Genius1Idiot reunion with MicOne and Eastern Washington Tom Brady aka Cornfed Kyle. Join them in the nostalgia of noteworthy news, deep dives into the local sports scene and the controversia...
Season 1
Episode 33

The Mind is a Prison: Drowning in Depression
Easy E hosts the third installment of this series with support from Johnny FiendX and Agent 69 discussing with special guest Easy E's mom on what depression looks like and its stranglehold on the mind.
Episode 32

The Mind is a Prison: Overcoming Food Addiction;The Cake is a Lie
Many of us find ways to cope with anxiety and the stresses that come with life. A lot of those coping mechanisms are detrimental to our selves mentally and physically. Johnny FiendX , Agent 69 and Easy E discuss the use of food with...
Episode 31

Viva Las Vegas
Johnny FiendX, Agent 69 and Easy E discuss plethora of sites, scenery & stuff to do while in Vegas that does not involve debauchery!
Episode 30

The Mind is a Prison: Debilitating Panic Attacks
There is a potential anxiety in any situation and millions feel that sudden onset every day. What is it like when that anxiety reaches levels that are difficult to come down from? What does someone feel and experience when that anxi...
Episode 29

Amazing Structures Around the World
Easy E leads the crew through examples of high tech developments from the ancient world showing the power of the Yautja on a grander scale. Featuring Nazi paraphernalia in Bolivia, coke ridden drinks in Peru and the return of Scuntananana...
Episode 28

Celestial Precision: Anunnaki, Arnie and Ancient Alignments
Join the team as they explore the precision and placement of the pyramids, consistent global parameters, the secrets of the Annunaki/Yautja and bonus connection to Arnie
Episode 27

Sophisticated Ancient Structures: Earth Boobs and Space Dicks
We live in a time where amazing feats are accomplished every day but there are some marvels that we still cannot replicate from the past. Easy E leads Johnny FiendX and Agent 69 through a crash course on one such formidable feat in the gl...
Episode 26

Missing En Masse
Johnny FiendX leads Agent 69 and Easy E through a conversation on possible reasons that people have gone missing in groups more than one or two. Topics include Roanoke, Rural Canuckia, Scotland, and the wilderness of California.
Episode 25

The Involvement of Government in Missing Persons
What do the unfortunate fatalities of the Dyatlov Pass, Amelia Earhart and Jimmy Hoffa have in common? Does the government purposefully keep missing persons unsolved to cover for our favorite hairy elusive cryptid Big Foot? Johnny FiendX,...
Episode 24

The Enigma of Missing Persons
Why do people go missing? Listen to Johnny FiendX, Agent 69 and Easy E as they tip toe down the trail of serial killers, wilderness happenstance and people who vanish inexplicably .
Episode 23

Missing People: The Stats
Johnny FiendX leads Agent 69 and E on a ride through the numbers regarding to the missing people cases in the United States.
Episode 22

Elderly Care Or Lack Thereof
Johnny, Agent 69 and E discuss the controversial subject of long term healthcare and their experiences with the system.
Episode 21

Heard Immunity: An In-Depp Look at Modern Feminism
How do you feel about the inherent tropes men and women have when it comes to taking it too far? Come listen to Johnny FiendX, Agent 69 and guest Shy as they discuss toxic femininity versus toxic masculinity on this episode of Innocent or...
Episode 20

Uniquely American - Lunar Lunacy
What do NASA, Stanley Kubrik, Tom Cruise and billions of dollars have to do with one another? Who knows? Come find out with hosts Johnny FiendX, Agent 69 and your favorite lizard overlord underling Madame Bushman.
Episode 19

Uniquely American - Easier to Dig a Hole than to Build a Pole
Johnny FiendX and Agent 69 delve into the experiences she lived while transitioning into a different world and back.
Episode 18

Are We Living in a Matrix? Again with the Lizard Overlords
Host Johnny FiendX is joined by Agent 69 and Madame Bushman to discuss the overall arch of simulation theory and its connection to our lizard overlords.
Episode 17

Global Controversy: First Takes on Manifest Destiny and Russia
Johnny FiendX, Agent 69 and E discuss recent events involving Ukraine and Russia and its impacts on the future.
Episode 16

Are We Living in a Matrix? - Doppelgangers, Dracos & Deja Vu
Johnny FiendX shares the mic with guests Madame Bushman and Agent 69 as we delve further into simulation theory with Doppelgangers, and the feeling of deja vu and how they may correlate with our lizard overlords.
Episode 15

Are We Living in a Matrix? - Phenomenon That Occur in Nature Pt 2
Your host JohnnyFiendX and guest Agent 69 listen to more phenomenon that occur in Nature as we delve further into the matrix
Episode 14

Are We Living in a Matrix? - Phenomenon That Occur in Nature Pt 1
Johnny FiendX and guest host Alli listen and react to phenomenon that occurs in nature as we attempt to gain traction into the theory of living in a matrix.
Episode 13

Are We Living In A Matrix? - Mandela Effect
Johnny FiendX discusses the Mandela Effect and examples of such with special guest Ava.
Episode 12

Controversy in Sports: OJ Simpson
Johnny FiendX and guest Melvin Washington from The Lounge on Talk 2 Me Sports Radio discuss the ins and outs of the infamous murder trial and aftermath of OJ Simpson.
Episode 11